I have found you to be the most insightful, helpful person I have ever worked with. I have literally found one session with you more helpful and productive than 10+ sessions with other facilitators.
— client

Our work together helped me to navigate what felt like one of the most difficult times in my life (the ending of my marriage) and to emerge from that experience having reclaimed and revived parts of myself that were previously completely inaccessible. I feel like I have witnessed an immense transformation in myself in the way that I relate to the world and to those around me.

I feel more free to express myself and to be vulnerable with my partners. Most recently, (and much to my happy amazement) I have noticed immense change in my sexual relationship with my current partner. I feel as though I am able to tap into my raw, primal nature during sex, and not only have I been able to experience the depth of this in a way I never had before but I am able to share this experience with my partner. As a direct result of this work, I feel that I am beginning to truly enjoy embodying my sexuality, embracing my femininity, and taking pleasure in intimacy.
— client

I truly feel that I have matured emotionally over the past year. I am now more fully a woman, and feel comfortable really showing up for myself. I don’t numb out nearly as much anymore, instead I check in regularly. I also feel more confident sitting with discomfort, rather than trying to run from it. Right now, I am more me than I have ever been – caring less about what others think and more about what fulfills my own heart. I feel grounded in myself.
— client

Lara showed me first-hand how a quality therapist who truly lives what she teaches can be a powerful piece of the puzzle in one’s healing process. Lara had both the skill and care to lovingly hold space for me where I needed it, AND the breadth of knowledge to help me cognitively understand what was happening in me. The result? I came to her feeling lost and confused about “my issue”, and left feeling way more at peace with it and ready to focus more on creating a deeply fulfilling life.
— client

Through our sessions, my self-esteem has improved drastically. The support has been empowering in a way that has helped me to dive into my personal growth as I have never known it before. I have come to find a sense of purpose and meaning in all that is happening around me and to welcome my emotions, rather than living in fear of them. Largely, our sessions have helped me to “come home to myself” in many ways, validating my experiences while simultaneously urging me to continue to deepen my exploration of how I relate with the world. This has profoundly affected every aspect of my life, including work, romantic relationships, family dynamics, friendships, health, spirituality, and more.
— client

When we sit down for our sessions, we dial in right away. I appreciate that so much. There is enough fluff in the world already!
— client

You are one of the most present people I have ever met. It’s absolutely inspiring. You have the ability to truly see my heart, and to be with me unconditionally, which then teaches me how to be with myself in the same way.
— client

I have especially appreciated feeling so incredibly seen and heard in our sessions. I have found you to be extremely perceptive and intuitive, often reading between the lines of what I am saying to pull out what I actually mean. Your insights about how to work with the issues I bring to our conversations are consistently so accurate and transformational. They have helped me see the work I need to do in a completely different light that has felt extremely accessible, enjoyable, and meaningful. I am consistently amazed by your ability to help me stay on track with an issue, pull out the pieces of it that are important to see more clearly, and move away from just repeating my story in a way that would foster stagnation. I leave our sessions with more clarity about myself and a feeling of being understood on a deep level.
— client

Lara is a gifted facilitator – born to do this work. She is endowed with intuition, compassion and a capacity for reflection, all of which stream through the filter of her expansive woman’s heart. As a co-facilitator with Lara I have relaxed into the certainty that she is tracking vast landscapes that are simply not available to the rest of us. Her ability to see the beauty at the heart of every one of us, regardless of how we are showing up in the world, is the healing medicine of witness most of us are longing for.
— Colleague

“I feel like I can now own my emotions and my life in a way that I could not have even imagined before I met you.
— client

I LOVE experiential learning and have NEVER in ALL of my years of therapy had experiential learning. It really is powerful.
— client

I have become a more conscious, aware and emotionally healthy and integrated person.
— client

I feel sooooooo seen, sooooooo held, and sooooooo validated. I feel like I have this incredible safe sanctuary to go to and be free. I feel relieved.
— Client

You are incredibly intuitive and hugely loving. You have the ability to create and hold a safe space for deep work with such reverence and kindness to my process. Your commitment to my process is powerfully felt by me.
— client

I like your style of no-agenda and full listening and reflecting. I appreciate your sensitivity and intuition. You hold space of non-judgement and positive regard very well.
— client

I’ve been in a relationship with the most kind man I’ve ever met for almost a year now. I don’t think that I would have found a man like this before our work together. Before our work I kept dating men that could not sink in. I think that may have been a direct reflection of where I was at. He meets me at a soul level that makes me feel more at ease and confident in our connection than I’ve ever felt before. More importantly though is how I feel in my own skin.
— client

Lara is a smart cookie — I can’t out-think her, or out-think myself in her presence — and thus, I repeatedly experience breakthroughs that might have been otherwise been subtly avoided.
— client

Lara inspires others to a higher potential, simply by being the open, compassionate, radiant woman that she is. She has a unique ability to ride the balance of insight and acceptance that allows the people she works with to unfold old stuck patterns and become bigger, fuller versions of themselves.
— Colleague

Lara helped me to make space for, accept and own all the feelings I was trying to hide and therefore I feel more confident, in my body, connected and open-hearted in all my relationships. I am unendingly grateful.
— workshop participant

I am always amazed by how effortlessly Lara is able to maintain a compassionate, light energy while being immaculately precise and sharp. She is a strong and intuitive leader. I trust her implicitly.
— Colleague

I have used Lara as a relationship therapist and her ability to mirror and aid me in exploring my desires and shadow spots has helped me to identify and communicate what is important in my relationship.
— Client

Lara has the natural and laser-sharp ability to open people up to their blind spots, help them step into their power, and uncover the core issues that keep them from authentically living who they truly are in the world. I’ve witnessed this over and over again and am continually in awe of her skills and abilities, and the life-changing experiences that people have as a result.
— collegue